Saturday, February 20, 2010

Taking the Polar Plunge!

Hello Folks!

Welcome to our newest and latest northern adventure! You thought you saw it all with demolition derbies, KOA experiences and latest random thoughts....but you were wrong! We have more to show you! Please watch our newest experience while taking the polar plunge!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Don't Close the Heart

I feel so much... Sorrow. Regret. Resentment. Pity. Offense. Empathy. Understanding. Compassion. Frustration.

No matter the tribal lands I visit, I hear the disparaging and heart-wrenching stories from older generations. They talk about the loss of language taken by force. The loss of land taken by bloodshed. The loss of children taken by boarding schools. The loss of family taken by relocation... but the most painful words are the ones that describe the reasons behind it all.

They were all told it was God's plan, part of Manifest Destiny.

I realize that in early years of colonization, religious people from all over the world came to "civilize" and/or to "save" the Indians. They tore Indians from their families to help make them more like themselves. They took away Native languages by beating it out of them. They ripped children from their families to teach them religious ways. They destroyed Native medicines and sacred places to stop them from their practices. Many of these things were done in the name of God or for His glory.

This legacy of "God's work" has created an almost irreparable harm. I hear things from elders that make me weep and consider the past actions of Christians before me.

If your mother were stolen in the name of God, would you worship Him? If your children were taken in the name of God, would you seek to glorify His name? If your son or daughter were beaten in the name of God for speaking their language, would you praise the name of the Lord?

These wretched tragedies have left their sorrowful mark on the generations to come. How, O Lord, can this be repaired? Not all who perform in Your name, do Your will. Not all who act in Your name are really representing You.

Great injustice and pain have been inflicted on Native peoples. I hear the damage in many of their words as they speak of You as an "imaginary or non-existent god." Many times I have heard You called an "unjust god." Or have heard elders say "I do not want to worship a god who does these things." Those who have been so deeply wounded by the past actions of the Christians before me say that a God or Savior is not real.

I am neither Irish, nor Native. I am neither female, nor male. Neither Jew, nor Gentile.
I am a child of God.

I know that much damage has been done, but I beg of you to please consider the source. The actions of past Christians do not always reflect the message of Christ. I say all of this not to preach at whoever reads this to believe in the Lord (although I hope that you do). I say all of this in order to draw a distinction from the messages of those Christians who left a scar upon these hearts.

Consider God for God. Do not believe God for who people say that He is. No one can you tell you who God is. No one can force you to believe. No science textbook, archeological discovery of the ark of the covenant or even an angelic appearance can cause you to believe in the Lord.

Only an open heart will receive a message. I am not asking you to open Your heart to the Lord, I only ask that you not close it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cone, cone, cones everywhere!

Yes, I finally passed my motorcycle exam! It was hilarious, too.

Just an FYI for those thinking about doing the driving test:

1. PRACTICE on the course beforehand.
2. Don't do it!

3. See above for photo of motorcycle driving course.
4. Print this photo.
5. Now lay this print on the ground and try to circle these cones.

I promise you that these cones aren't much bigger in real life!

P.S. I promise you the examiner will laugh if you ask him for a high-five afterwards!

He Knew & Knows

On Saturday morning, Suzanne and I decided to drive halfway across the state on a last-minute camping trip...

As God would have it, He placed us in situations
that we never foresaw coming.

God determines the number of the stars and
calls them each by name. -Psalm 147:4

We called our intended campsite just two hours northeast of Duluth to make reservations, prepaid for the site, packed up our tent and jumped in the car. About three hours later, we realized I took a wrong turn (well, technically, I didn't turn at all). This tiny error meant we would be setting up our tent in the middle of the night, so we laughed it off and decided to stay at a closer campsite (all of which were booked solid) and ended up staying at a KOA. Once there, they gave us free-choice for our campsite and after much surveying, we chose space #52.

Before I was ever born, God knew
I would forget to make my turn
and would end up in campsite #52 at the Duluth KOA.

We set up our tent and heated up left-over lo mein on our Coleman stove. All-in-all, it was shaping up to be a great night. While sitting around the campfire, our campsite neighbor showed up across the road. She was loud, chopping down brush and popping open beer after beer. She was camping alone. And drinking. And obviously in some kind of emotional pain.

We pretended to not hear her, but it was harder the more she drank. That night after some chatting, we learned she was on a "week-long retreat from her husband and kids." And, we also learned that she had drank half a bottle of whiskey.

As we were in bed that night, I listened to her at her campsite. She was calling every male that she knew, asking them for a one-night stand. She and her husband had come to some sort of agreement that she could have one week of a no-questions-asked-freedom and that meant she wanted to drink too much and sleep around. I prayed repeatedly for the woman. And with each call she made, she got negative responses from her male-prospects.

The next day, after staying awake until the wee hours of the morning and all calls had been made, Suzanne and I wondered about what kind of pain drove her to that place. And we were glad to have been there.

Lord, take care of that woman whose name we don't know and life we are not familiar with. You know her heart, her pain and her needs. Comfort her and show her Your glory. - Amen.

God knows us before we are born and what we will do.
Thank you, Lord for sending us to a KOA
that we never intended to visit.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Our 1st Demo Derby!

Apparently, this is the thing to do when you live in a small town with nothing to do.

My wife and I attended our very first demolition derby! Take a look! Some of them have two front wheels going in entirely different directions, some of them have trucks hanging halfway out of the arena, others have hardly any frame left...but it was all a TON of fun!

P.S. One of our favorite drivers is in the black and neon pink car, she is a woman! She made the finals for the cars and the little yellow truck took 1st place for the truck competition.

Is Anyone Listening?

There are thousands upon thousands of websites out there, but how many are actually viewed? How often? I'd imagine that tons of people make their own personal blogs and websites everyday, but who actually cares? Is anyone really listening?

Well, let's find out. Is anyone listening?